Thursday, September 16, 2010

[TRANS] 100916 Tohoshinki Trio Halts Activities in Japan

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Avex announced on 16 September that Tohoshinki members Jejung, Yuchun and Junsu’s Japanese activities with be suspended until further notice.

Avex expressed that the management company the trio’s management company and legal representative in Korea, C.JeS, has been found guilty of, and sentenced to prison on charges of coercion. As the trio’s lawsuit in Korea with regards to the exclusive contract is still pending, the chances that the exclusive contract is invalid has increased.

Avex stated that until these issues are resolved, they have decided not to continue with the management of the artists’ activities in Japan. The trio, for the time being, have decided to halt all activities.

T/N: We are currently trying to verify this piece of news with our Korean translator.

Source: [Sanspo]
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  1. tw nih mw ngomong ap soal ini...
    Knpa yah mslh trus aja ngehampirin mereka...?? dan maslahnya itu2 lg "UUD"( ujung2nya duit)
    ga tw mw marah ke siapa knpa yah org2 di sekitar JYJ+HOMIN tuh sering bgt ngecewain mereka...pdhl mrka melakukan sesuatu yg mrka suka tp yg ada mereka dikecewain ma org2 yg nik...matin hsl kerja keras mrka...
    GOD please still with them n bless them...Hope it'll be the last...AKTF JYJ!!
