Friday, June 18, 2010

[TRANS] 100617 Ayu tweets about Jaejoong

Tweet from yesterday ^^

I hope he could win♪everyone, let’s cheer him up! RT @misa2305:Ayu!!! Jaejoong will be on food prejudice king today〜@ayu_19980408 about 14 hours ago via Echofon

Oh really? is he making a poker face now? RT @michi355michi: @ayu_19980408 Jaejoong is on food prejudice king now~ about 14 hours ago via Echofon

I always cheer him up and I’m feeling like I’m his older sister♪RT @rinya1172rt0604: @ayu_19980408 Jaejoong is cute♪ about 14 hours ago via Echofon
My time line is filled with Jaejoong and ponyo lol about 14 hours ago via Echofon

source: ayu’s twitter
trans by: Hiromi@sharingyoochun
shared by: DBSKnights

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