Wednesday, October 20, 2010

[FANACC] From Singapore to Malaysia Airport

Hi there people, like i’ve mentioned earlier, i got to travel on the same flight as the JYJ boys towards Malaysia.

Went to airport early to check-in. We were unsure as to whether the boys would be going through CIP (VIP) area or the usual route. All of us were on flight MH 604 that day heading towards Malaysia. About one hour before departure, the dancers arrived, ALONE! dang it, why weren’t the boys there too. At that moment, some of my friends were crazy about the dancers apart from the boys. Them again, they are always crazy about dancers, hehe.

When the dancers went in too, i approach some to take picture with. More pics in Yusuke camera ^__^

When the dancers left, i received a phone call from one of my friend saying that the boys have reached the airport. That is when i called everyone, kind me again lol, and ask them to literally RUN to the gate. As in everyone who were waiting at the entrance for the boys. I was right, the boys had just reached the gate. They traveled by the security car, if only they have walked instead right.On the way, someone passed me Junyoung, the dancer, immigration form which he had dropped.

Ouh well, by the time i reached, the manager were telling everyone to keep the camera. LOL. I didnt intend to take any out by the way but just took out my phone to tweet. YES, tweet, instead of taking pictures i TWEETED (see twitter updates below) ! LOL, silly me.

So, Jaejoong was smiling and laughing while taking off his shoelace. Junsu manage to clear everything fast but was waiting for the other two. This time though, i was looking for Junyoung to pass him his form also, thus i lined up behind him. Haha. Turned back to saw Jaejoong still trying to take out his shoelace, lol, with a big grin smile. The manager or someone did something silly and almost fell down which made everyone burst into laughter.

This point of time, Yoochun wanted to pass through the metal detector but the security asked him to remove his scarf too. So, there you go, seeing his scrawny arms and messy hair. He must learn to eat more especially with the busy schedule this days. and his leg isnt thick either. Among all the glamor, once he took out his sunglass, scarf and beanie, he was simply wearing a t-shirt, pants and slippers. LOL, a typical Singaporean look.

The only picture i manage to get of Yoochun, Junsu and Jaejoong and it’s still blur..

But im glad that Jaejoong have to remove his items, cause they stood there for like 10 – 15 mins looking at the boys upclose and hearing Jaejoong laughter especially. After he was done putting back his shoes on, he went off bouncing happily. It was then did i realize, that Jaejoong bounces when he walk, really he do, just watch his fancams.

It was my turn to go through a bag check but the stupid security mistook my bag with another passenger and messed up the whole content of my bag. Cursing him all the while but lucky for them, our flight was on last call, therefore we cant idle in the gate but went straight into the plane.

On the plane, since it’s a one deck plane, the only way to enter is by the front. Which means you get to see the boys again once you have board. For me, i always hate taking planes because i’ve air sickness, but i was more nervous about the guys then myself.

Once entered, i notice Jaejoong and Junsu seating side by side. Junsu seating on the inside. I was searching for Yoochun here and there to found him seating beside his manager. He was reading a book at the moment though and he suddenly looked up. and that was it, that moment, i just starred and looked into his eyes. From then until i walked pass him. With my big eyes, i stared and smiled and he freakishly nod his head and smiled back. I nearly froze there and then but there was other passengers behind me, idiot. Ouh did i mentioned that the passengers infront of me were taking their time to place their luggage and walk down the aisle so it took quite a while to walk pass him. Thank GOD!

Went to my seat and from there, i can see Jaejoong, well a part of him that is. Here’s the funny thing, the plane was really stuffy but Jaejoong was trying to put on his LEATHER JACKET! I really wonder if the constant traveling made them go haywire. Thick clothes in hot climate and thing clothes in cold climate. Funny don’t you think!

The plane was delayed. That was then i saw, someone trying to take pictures of Yoochun and Jaejoong. Damn you people, leave the boys alone can, CAN OR NOT! and it’s not as though as they tried to take pictures or videos once but a couple of times. Smack her head if i could but couldn’t sadly. Our plane then went off and we landed in Malaysia safely. The boys were in first class and i was not, so yah, i cant say much what happen during the flight.


Reached Malaysia. The boys surely walked fast because by the time i went out, the boys have reached the immigration counter. At that time, i wanted to take pictures of the boys there but lucky for me, my friend reminded me that i have to queue up too. LOL. How can i be thinking that i will come out from there easily. During that time, i went on evil mode, cutting queues here and there but still stupid me forget to fill my immigration form, haha.

Lucky me though, the boys went to the toilet. Everyone was waiting there, and i immediately took out my camera. Lazy me tell me not to walked all the way to the toilet too but just waited and used the zoom function to take video. Haha, like i said, i was never a stalker fan. So, when they came out, most was walking in from their left where the guards was standing. Since i was standing from a distance, when they approach nearer, i manage to stand beside Yoochun.

Manager-nim didnt event block or stop me anyway, so there i was Yoochun by my side, Jaejoong at the front and Manager and Junsu at the back. Junsu was talking to the manager. Manager commented something about the situation becoming noisy later on and by his tone, he hates it. LOL, but what do you expect right.

But truthfully, there were times, when i wanted to like asked Jaejoong to walk faster because Yoochun pace was faster and he was overtaking Jaejoong. LOL! Urgh, but then again, Jaejoong is one hot guy too right. But during those time, i was really walking shoulder to shoulder with Yoochun, and his face was like OMG! You know, most of the time, i was just starring at his lips. Like, it’s really kissable and i really wanted to like go all over him.. haha..

Once they exited though, me and my friends went to find out car and drove off. We didnt intend to stalk the boys though so we headed somewhere else.

End for airport. That was kinda long and boring don’t you think ^__^


Twitter Updates

In the airport now. They went on by VIP. Damn cute.

Jaejoong literally stripped. Too many metals I guess. He’s tying his shoelace slowly now

Yoochun even had to take his scraf out.

Bouncy bouncy jaejoong walking in….

Woots took pics with the dancers.

Junyoung drop his documents though. Lol.

Yoochun reading book on the plane.,.. I passed by him look at him, SMILE and he SMILED back… Wooohooo

He’s seating beside manager though. T-T but wheeee same plane. Wah jaejoong stripped and smile still amaze me

Jaejoong a few seats down.

Junyoung is dancer by the way

Okay lah flying soon. Need to off phone now. I shall chat with dancers later. Haha

Someone just took her vid cam on the plane. You there, leave them alone….

The plane is still rather warm and Jaejoong wore his jacket. It’s Singapore!!! Hot weather…

The reason why I’m still tweeting… Waah some technical issue with the plane. Need to park the plane back in… More time with the boys?! Haha

Did I mention that the dancers are seated all the way at the back. Poor them t-t

The plane is somewhat moving… Yes we are leaving I think… K toodles…

My friend called me just now fr SG, Guess what my ringtone was Bolero. It’s really loud. D dancers heard it 4 sure but what bout d amigos..

Landed safely… Yeah… Ouh Jaejoong seating beside Junsu

Jaejoong, Yoochun and Junsu… Walk right side by side….

The boys even have police escort… Waaaaaaaaah cool though we overtake them and somehow became the escort instead. Haha

Just FYI, I’m not stalking beside the boys just want to overtake their van and get to the area before they do. LoL

Ouh and a quick stop to the loo before walking out.. I guess Yoochun learnt his lesson about hot weather.. He wasn’t wearing any scarf


shared by: DBSGuardians Angels

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