This single includes songs from the cool R&B genre to songs which touched people’s hearts, reflecting the great and handsome charm of Xiah Junsu.
The singing becomes the soul in an album.
As a singer, Xiah Junsu has taken an important step from here.
Q: Xiah Junsu finally started as a solo artist. First of all, can you tell us how you’re feeling?
A: I feel very nervous and stressed out, but I’m also very happy. All in all, I’m having mixed feelings about it.
Q: Are you still feeling stressed?
A: Of course! Every time, I always think whether I’m capable of giving a good performance for everyone.
Q: So, what’s the theme of this solo project?
A: This single is entitled “XIAH,” the name which I use in Korea. As a singer, I hope that my music can reflect more of myself. I think “XIAH” can describe the theme for this solo.
Q: “XIAH” also shows a strong demonstration of Junsu’s personality. It’s a really good song.
A: What do you mean?
Q: (laughs) I think all the songs are nice.
A: Ah, that’s great! The CD is already on sale. Have you heard the songs yet?
Q: I heard the songs already so I’m recommending it to people around me.
A: You have to!
Q: I know. (laughs) “Intoxication” is produced by Junsu. In what kind of mood or situation were you in when you composed “Intoxication”?
A: Basically, “Intoxication” was produced while I was singing and dancing. I was thinking of the dance steps of the R&B genre at the same time, so I have to maintain a balance!
Q: So that means Junsu’s center of music is still R&B?
A: Yes. I already loved R&B while I was still staying in Seoul. Now, I’ve already performed many Jpop and intense dances, that’s why I would like to try R&B for my solo activity. Isn’t it great for everyone to see another style of Xiah Junsu’s performances?
Q: Yes, it is. What were your feelings during the recording?
A: Recording the important parts isn’t the same anymore. When recording as a group previously, we need to consider the synchronization. We need to harmonize with the members, not just finding the feel of our own parts.
When recording as a solo artiste, the climax of the song is decided by one person (myself). This is the most important thing. Whatever it is, it’s very difficulty. Music is very difficult.
Q: There are English and Japanese lyrics; are there meanings behind them?
A: I just want to let everyone have a taste of the different aspects of European music. I used English when I sang!
Q: The song totally reflects Junsu’s thinking!
A: Of course! I was given a lot of assistance, but luckily the production went on smoothly. I also learned a lot from it. It’s great.
Q: In “Intoxication,” the words ‘toxic’ and ‘addition’ jump at you. Did you have this kind of experience before?
A: I did not experience poisoning before. (laughs) But I’m into composing lately, which the staff often wants…
Q: Do they say “Please compose a melody” like this?
A: Yes, in a way. Of course, I’m eager to try too!
Q: Do you use a piano when composing songs?
A: A: Yes. But when it comes to composing songs in the dance genre, I use a Mac. I also use ‘Sound Module’ or metronome instruments too. There are times when I can finish composing a melody in five minutes!
Q: What’s that situation about?
A: For example, there’s always a “No matter how hardworking I am today, I still can’t finish it” kind of feeling, but I’ll still put in twelve hours of hard work into it until I feel that it’s time to sleep, or when I feel pain in my back. Even my butt hurts…
Q: Do you have times when you suddenly realize that it’s morning already?
A: A lot. Time flies. It feels like one hour is just one minute; it’s really an addiction. If I look in the mirror, my eyes are bloodshot. (laughs) I also forget to have meals.
Q: That’s really addiction!
A: Yes! (laugh) But I think it’s a positive kind of poison.
Q: “Intoxication” also has this ‘drunk’ feel to it. Junsu, do you drink soju or wine?
A: I don’t know how to drink, and I don’t feel like drinking either. I feel that soju and wine do not taste good, and it’s bad for the health too. I always see the staff and the other members feel very uncomfortable while working the next day after drinking the night before!
Q: Because of a hang-over!
A: I often think to myself, why do we drink in the first place if it’s very uncomfortable? (laughs) But I love the atmosphere when everyone gathers together for a drink! Though I seldom drink in celebration parties, I get drunk in the atmosphere. While drinking, my eyes get smaller. I’m like this.
Q: (laughs) The ballad song “Kanashimi no Yukue” is also included in the CD. It’s a great song. Junsu’s voice really blends well into it.
A: Thank you. There’s always a positive point in a dance song or a ballad song. There are different parts to take note of. We need to pay attention to the rhythm and to the beat when dancing, whereas we need to put in emotion when it comes to a ballad. For R&B, we need these two, so I really like it.
Q: “Kanashimi no Yukue” describes the fragile part of men. Does Junsu have any particular favorite parts in the lyrics?
A:Yes. I like this part: 幸せは 终わるより かわる方が ぼくにはさみしい (End of happiness, in return for my endless grief).
Q: Because of resonance?
A: Yes, but this is only my opinion. Different people have their own different perceptions. Often, there are many reasons that result to an “end.” For example, when someone passes away or someone goes to a far place – aren’t these things which we can’t do anything about?
Q: Yes!
A: But once there is a change of heart, the results will be different. I have to admit, this is rather sad. So ‘ending’ it would be much better.
Q: Ah… The meaning is deep.
A: Yes! The song has a very deep meaning.
Q: It’s very great to interpret the feelings of the song.
A: It’s great. This time around, I exerted a lot of effort for this song – not pretending, just wanting to sing out my true feelings. My voice will tremble in some parts, but this might as well deliver the true feelings to everyone.
Q: Instead of the right tone, you still preferred the strong mood for the song.
A: Yes! I hope to simplify the song as much as possible. That’s why I only used the piano and an orchestra, not putting any rhythm into the song.
Q: This single fully reflects Junsu’s personality as a singer which is very intimate. Is this effect that you want?
A: I’m glad that I’m able to present the results that I want to everyone. It makes me very happy. Of course, I’m also very thankful towards the staff.
Q: You’re very modest.
A: No, no, I’m only telling the truth. I feel very blessed. I hope to deliver Xiah Junsu’s music to everyone.
Q: You’re no longer telling jokes (oyaji gags)?
A: No, but I still make them when requested. (laughs) It’s just that my mindset is on singing onstage. Recently, I don’t have many chances to do that, so I’m looking forward to it. I wish to meet the fans too.
Q: We shall wait and see! Lastly, as a soloist, can you tell us your vision for the future?
A: I’ve already mentioned it. It does not relate to me personally or to the group. I just want to sing, sing a song that transcends the sands of time. I wish to be thought of as a singer who “seriously likes music.”
source: CD&DL で-た June 2010 Issue + XIAHKING + baiduTVXQ
translation: baojaesoul @
special thanks: sshutingg, nings and diana© @
credits: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
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