Tuesday, August 31, 2010
[VIDEO] 100831 Yunho at donation ceremony
[NEWS] 100830 Jaejoong and Junsu Participate in Yoochun Debut Drama ‘SungKyunKwan Scandal’, Showing Their Loyalty
After finished the recording Jaejoong stated, “Looking at Yoochun in acting scenes wearing Korean traditional costume and used different tone of speaking like saying ‘Come here!’, I feel it’s weird but am amazed at the same time.” and “I think after watching some of the drama scenes, it will be an interesting drama to watch and I feel that it’s going to become a hit.”
Jaejoong also added, “Furthermore, since there is this opportunity to participate in performing a song that will become part of the drama’s OST, which I think it’s a really good song, hopefully the OST is going to be a hit just like the drama itself.”
Xiah Junsu who had a surprise visit to the filming set sometime ago while bringing some food said, “The same as Jaejoong hyung, when I saw the trailer of ‘SungKyunKwan Scandal’, I think Yoochun fits well in his Korean costume and his acting was so good that makes me naturally feeling proud.” he continued, “Yoochun ordered me to sing the song in much heart pouding feeling (?), but it’s been a while since I listened to Korean song lyrics, so naturally I feel the heart pounding while singing anyway. If there’s anything that could be Yoochun’s accompanying power, then I’d like to help.” expressed strong friendship between them.
Meanwhile Yoochun, “Despite their busy schedule, Jaejoong hyung and Junsu still do the recording to cheer me up, I’m really impressed. Especially Junsu who’s actually in bad condition, but still forced himself to continue participating. I’m going to work even harder to repay them.” said whole heartedly.
‘SungKyunKwan Scandal’ official Lee Hyun Wook PD who’s in charge of recording area said, “The three members supervised each other, they finished the recording well in a bright and pleasant atmosphere. The song itself will be able to express the heart fluttered of the young men and woman in ‘SungKyunKwan Scandal. The song deserves the same love as the drama, please look forward to the birth of great heart pounding love song.”
credit: newsen
trans: sharingyoochun.net
Shared by: DBSGuardians Angels
[PHOTOS] 100830 Junsu - Gimpo Airport Part 3
[FANACC] 100830 a-nation Tokyo, Aug 29
a-nation, the second day.
When it was time for their performance, the red penlights were lit throughout the stadium. It was mixed with the blue penlights of a-nation, and made a wonderful purple line here and there in the evening dusk. I recalled Junsu’s words that we would be able to reach the ideal world when we cross the purple line…
When the stage lighted up, the three members were standing quietly in the middle. Jaejoong’s lovely voice can be heard, the opening song “Itsudatte Kimini” has started. This night, the audience was singing together with the three members the lovely phrase “Kimidakeni aitakattayo itsudatte aitakattayo~” (T/N: We wanted to see just only you, we always wanted to see you). Jaejoong’s beautiful vocal stood out, creating a high and noble air.
As always, Junsu’s performance for Intoxication was full of manliness, dancing and singing with all his might. Everytime he showed his shoulders, swung his hips, danced on the floor, there were tremendous kya~~ kya~~~ kya~~~~, of course, I was one of them! The 4 toho dancers danced perfectly together in harmony with Junsu.
Jaejoong and Yoochun during Colors were totally Kitty brothers. Their overlapping vocals were really lovely, I could sense true love and friendship between the two.
I really love Yoochun’s soft and emotional vocal and raps during Colors. It is so soft and tender.
The audience again sang together “lalalalalalala~”, and the stadium was filled with such a soft and peaceful atmosphere that it was beyond words.
When they reached the last note, they were playing again, like the day before. Yoochun was teasing Jaejoong, trying to lengthen the time they finish the song. Yoochun’s face was full of mischief like a kid, and Jaejoong was smiling so tenderly to Yoochun, like that of a mother.
I really love Junsu during Get Ready and Long Way. He was dancing with all his might, it looked so manly. During Get Ready, the whole audience was jumping up and down with the three members, just like we jumped during Somebody to Love in their concerts before.
During these two songs, they moved here and there on the wide stage. Junsu looked like a bouncing ball, he was not just running, but using his whole body when moving around. I could sense his wonderful physical ability by just looking at his movements.
And, the last song W. Was it only me, that thought Jaejoong’s eyes looked so wistful throughout their performances? His eyes especially seemed to be lonely and watery during W, yet so beautiful. Again, during the phase “Aitakute” (T/N: I want to see you, I want to meet you), their vocals rang out to the evening sky, I knew that it should reach Seoul.
When they finished the six songs, the three walked offstage waving their hands and thanking us all.
This time, I did not cry. I just thought that I want to see the 5 smiling faces together in a-nation 2011. I just want to see them singing their standard a-nation song Summer Dream, with Changmin’s high pitched voice and Yunho dancing in the center during Yunho time. Oh, maybe they will prepare a totally new and wonderful song for us! Who knows?
trf’s stage followed. Looking at SAM-san’s (T/N: choreographer) dance, I thought that Junsu should be the current dance king in avex. Well, EXILE did not perform in a-nation, so this is just my personal impression.
ayu, the queen of avex, was the last to perform. I again heard “Blossom”, and thought that the lyrics perfectly fits the current situation. “Datte bokuraha aruki hajimeta. Sokoni riyuu nante hitsuyou janai. Tadatada daijoubu. Mou daijoubu. Soredakeha tashikani wakatta kara” (T/N: We just started to walk the road, we do not need a reason for it. We are all right, all right now. We just know that we are all right.”
ayu always parades around the whole stadium on a float for her last song. Wearing a cute Yukata (T/N: Japanese traditional clothes for summer), she held in her hand the orange Uchiwa (T/N: fan) of JJY. She waved the orange Uchiwa throughout her ride, which took about 10 minutes to go around the vast stadium.
I recalled ayu’s performance last year, waving the green Tohoshinki a-nation towel in her hands during her ride on the float.
ayu, the queen of avex supports our boys… oh, I was in tears here.
In the ending, the three stood together with all the other avex artists. They were standing right in the middle of the front line, Junsu stood right next to ayu (at ayu’s right side), Jaejoong and Yoochun followed.
All the artists were singing the new a-nation song. All the three members each sang a solo phrase in the second part of the song. The three were smiling, dancing and playing on stage, enjoying themselves. Whenever the three were shown on the big screen, there were tremendous kya~~.
Throughout their two days’ performances, Junsu, Jaejoong, and Yoochun seemed to be enjoying the summer festival. That was enough for me. And, I was not sad when the closing time came. I knew “Mata aeru karane” (T/N: We will be able to meet again.)
Adding pictures of a fan remade Uchiwa!

Credits: itou-channo hamatterumono!
Source: smiley @ OneTVXQ.com & itou-channo hamatterumono!
Credits: OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!
[PHOTOS] 100830 Fangift to Yunho
[FANACC] 100829 a-nation 2010
i wanted this post to start off happily but now that i’ve reached home, showered and sitting at my mac ready to write, i put on toki wo tomete and it’s like everything is only hitting me now. that feeling of not wanting to them to walk away from us. the fans. they were the last to leave the stage after performing thx for that with other fellow avex label mates. i don’t remember seeing what jaejoong’s face was like. i just knew it was over.
my wish was to see the boys to stand as 5 but i had to live with 3. and i’m forever grateful to be able to see them on the last day where their time spent with us was made of so much epic fail moments right from the moment they stepped on stage.
in line for goods..
to quickly bypass the goods stage, i actually had to leave home around 6am but there wasn’t only delay on the subways but the JR line that i usually take must’ve had an accident so i had a good freak out about how late i was going to get to shinjuku to meet up with [info]subi . we actually arrived at the stadium at a time where the waiting line to get in wasn’t that bad and it was after our arrival many people did start to roll in in huge numbers.
actually getting to the goods was a pain in the butt. it was like the staff were guiding us like a herd of cows. but i figure they did a good job at the same time cuz out of all the stalls, JYJ had the most (8 in comparison to 3 for the other artists.. maybe Ayu had more but probably not more than 5?). ended up purchasing two face towels on impulse (instead of one), 3 bangles (1 jaejoong, 2 junsu T___T) and an uchiwa~
where we sat was quite good although the sun was our best friend for most of the afternoon and would explain how dark i got T___T
overall review of artists who performed today (only ones i happen to remember well):
kitano kii – she sang only two songs but she received a lot of love from the audience ♥
every little thing – i only got to know them a little better when they were once on cartoon kat-tun but they are awesome live, especially mochi, who knew how to work the crowd~ so cute too.
AAA – HEEEE i squealed like mad everytime nishijima came on screen XD. they also did kanpai with 50,000 of us during their mini-MC to which i thought nishijima (when cameras zoomed in on his face) would burp but all he did was a dorky grin and, “OISHIIIIIII~” ♥
hirako risa – you’re a great model but please don’t sing.
ayu – as suspected, she got the longest set of all being one hour long and even though it was my first time seeing her live, it was like being at TD when i watched some of her dome performances back in the day ♥ she’s adorable and we all know she’s j-pop’s diva but her charm overrides that factor when it comes to the fans. she sang a couple of oldies like boys & girls, greatful days, a song about xx AND evolution (WHERE SHE WAVES JYJ’S UCHIWA AGAIN ♥♥). other songs were great too (don’t remember the title) but she did preview her new song, crossroads, which will be released next month and i’m thinking of purchasing it :’)
also i couldn’t really sneak photos here and there during a-nation cuz security was quite strict since my friend was told off for using her phone and while we weren’t reachable once we were surrounded by people, it didn’t mean they couldn’t get to us if they wanted to. i did tweet when i could (like right after jyj left the stage) but i wish i did tweet while things happened to keep my memory in tact (i’m terrible at remembering).
now onto jyj. around 4-ish, an ad for their live dvd to be released next month, came up on screen out of nowhere and i think i remember everyone going absolutely nuts as soon as we saw junsu and all you could here was “JUNSUUUUUUUUUUUU!” or “JUN-CHAAAAAAN!”. yells for yoochun and jaejoong erupted from different ends of the stadium and from memory, i think that was the only time they did promo a jyj-related thing. :3 that set off our restlessness more than anticipation.
around 6-ish is when some people on our side of the stadium got excited and suvi pointed out to me that you could see the jyj dancers heading backstage and at that time, some of them had turned around and saw us showing interest. that’s when we got maybe a little too excited and waved enthusiastically at them XD at that time too suvi pointed out that she recognised one guy (who’s a dance instructor) to be from her gym who also was at TD for their dome con last year and this year (yeah suvi? lol). that’s when myself and the lady next to me were so distracted at what was happening backstage. we couldn’t see anything clearly but we could see the outline of figures moving around.
i don’t remember what time they came on stage but when we thought they were coming out, everyone had their red penlights on, screaming for who we wanted to see and were disappointed when it was maki goto. i probably got myself a little too hyped up thinking it was going to be them but during her performance, my hands couldn’t stop shaking and my heartbeat wouldn’t slow down at all. i had this huge rush of adrenaline..
then 出たーーーーーー! lights dimmed down and all you could see were a flurry of red lights appearing from all different ends of the stadium and you *KNEW* it was time. various shots of jyj before laughing before commencing a countdown. i wasn’t sure but i was counting down in english and possibly others were counting down in japanese. oh well. i couldn’t stop jumping and probably clinging onto suvi at this point. you can’t blame me though.. or the lady next to me. suvi and i were surrounded by probably a section of yoochun fans cuz all i could hear was, “YOOOOOOOOOOOCHUNNNNNN!” the lady next to me and i had a moment where i put my hand on her shoulder for assurance and she looked at me and smiled cuz we were both excited and happy that they were finally come on stage. and when you could just make out their figures on stage, all attention was immediately on them and jaejoong began the opening lines of itsudatte kimi ni.
seeing them on stage (or on screen most of the time) was too surreal. for a long time, i only saw them in magazines, tv shows and heard their voices through their cd releases and when they appeared on radio shows from time to time. i remember i couldn’t stop saying, “omg本物だ!本物だ!!!!(the real thing!!!!)” cuz it was them. junsu, jaejoong and yoochun right before my eyes. standing in the same stadium with 50,000 other avex fans. (probably 80% jyj fans XDD) having already knew what their setlist was going to be like, i forgot everything else and i savored every single moment that i could hold onto.
as i’m not familiar with any of their new songs but get ready, i was more focused on the lyrical content and how well they sang and no doubt they did well although i think junsu (from my POV) sang better than the other two that night. some points during a certain song, they struggled to hit some high notes but that didn’t bother me one bit. what mattered was that while they sang, they still managed to have fun doing so. and no one cried too ♥ i wanted to scream, “ジェジュン泣かないでね (jaejoong, don’t cry okay~)” at some point during the MC, but i couldn’t find a good time to do so and plus, i was too distracted by him pulling cute gestures.
i still find it rather weird that they still do a greeting but they don’t say who they are. i mean we know who they are but they still haven’t settled on a proper name for their unit. (unless i’m really slow and JUNSU/JEJUNG/YUCHUN is it?) anywho, screaming during the MC was hilarious. you could sometimes barely make out what they were saying cuz we THSK fans are insane~ fuuu. junsu was up first and said very futsuu intro to which yoochun said that for an MC, it was boring XD and that he should try a little harder (since it’s the last day) kekeke.
come yoochun’s turn, the infamous, “東京の皆さん!!!元気で〜〜〜す〜〜〜か〜〜〜!?(tokyo no minnasannn!! genki desukaaaaa?!?!?!” to which us fan responded with, “げ〜〜んき〜〜〜!!!!!!!(geeennnnkiiiiii!!)” but apparently not loud enough in comparison to the osaka crowd and there was echoes of, EHHHHHH!?!?!?!!?!?!” always ignites competition between cities but we managed to win them over the second time around ♥ yoochun’s reaction however was unexpected when yelling, “○○OK!~?” (lol i was half paying attention and going ballistic at this rate). he pulled this face, as if his face looked like it was going to explode (sorry can’t think of any other way to describe it), for quite a bit before emitting a cough which had all of us gigging before continuing on with introducing himself personally.
jaejoong too did the “○○OK!~?” although i think by the last one, he was like, “okkkkkkkkkkkkkkk-*coughs*” which had us laughing for ages cuz he really did look like he was out of breath ♥ but it’s very jaejoong-ppoi to follow after yoochun and as fans, i think we forgave hin in an instant. jaejoong then got us all riled up, asking various sections of the stadium, “げ〜〜んき〜〜〜!!!???(奥(oku)・左(hidari)・右(migi))” and right side of the stadium went crazy since we were last and jaejoong approved with, “右最高!(migi saikou!)” (right-side are the best~ keke we were on the right side too ^^;;)
and with the MC drawing to a close so quickly, jaejoong introduced junsu for intoxication and by that point, the stadium was full of hysteria and the opening of intoxication where junsu is like, “ooooooh~ oooooh yeah. all right♪”, i didn’t care. i was singing along as if my life depended on that moment. i have to say, the performance would’ve been much better if it weren’t for those horrible curtain-like outfits T__T and junsu, your hair but still junsu never fails to disappoint and there screams in appropriate parts of the song, especially during the chorus and all that ~floor work~ XD and i couldn’t help but scream, “SEXXXXXYYYYYYYYYY!” instinct okay? :p
for COLORS, jaejoong appeared from the left and yoochun to the right and both made their way to the center to meet each other. in general, so many smiles coming from the both of them and it just made me happy seeing the both of them like that. it made sense that junsu didn’t smile until the end of his performance since the song is provacative and the moves just ugh~ yeah okay i’ll stop there but the highlight for me (and thousands of other fans too) was at the end. we did a good job at ruining the end in the a good way. (and i hope avex doesn’t edit this out in the dvd cuz i want the dvd mainly for this moment sklfjhalsd) at first, it wasn’t our fault but mainly jaejoong’s since he wanted to make eye contact with yoochun whilst singing, “like a melody and harmony.. in love”. only yoochun looked up and looked down/away (??) shyly and very embarassed. (SOULMATES!! teheeee ♥) second time around, they paused before launching into “.. in love” but we screamed and they just looked at us bemused. (serious fanservice gaaah~) third time, they were doing so good and paused once again only to look at each other and start cracking up – for no apparent reason!? but we fans were amused at their third attempt ♥
fourth time, it was perfection.
get ready was my personal favorite of the night. i chose this song mainly cuz it’s about having a good time which we were too and once again, it was about crowd’s response during, “○○OK!~?” ♥ i really don’t have much to say about long way or w. you’d think i’d have a lot to say about it but i think the contents of the lyrics says so much as it is already and plus those of you who went to see the thanksgiving live, i think they did a better job at pulling of w then than yesterday’s but it doesn’t mean that they failed. they still did great and the “aitakute” really moved me in that moment.
i really didn’t want it end but that wasn’t the case.
suvi and i stuck around to see ayu in the end cuz we wanted to see if she’d wave jyj’s uchiwa ♥ she previewed her new song, crossroads, which i believe will be bought by plenty of us since it’ll have the blossom pv. lmao i read the details of the CD+DVD wrong thinking that making of was for blossom but how wrong i was. anywho, i wasn’t paying attention when ayu made her appearance on our end on a float sporting a stunning yukata. i was mesmerised by how cute she is in real life to notice the orange uchiwa in her hand XD it was during her evolution performance (her medley of some of her hits) and it was nice to see that she could get the crowd in sync during the chorus. and she’s still the queen of j-pop to me despite the fact she’s no longer the artist that rakes in the money for avex. her set was almost an hour long *___*
i think suvi and i were set on leaving right after ayu’s set (some people left straight jyj) but it’s when TRF came back out to introduce avex’s theme song alongside tetsuya komuro (who composed the song with matsuura-san) that we decided to stick around anyway. anywho, i thought that this song only comprised of certain artists from avex, but when one of the members of TRF was introducing each artist individually who participated in the song, i was shock when i heard her saying, “junsu, jaejoong and yoochun.” cuz they had no parts in the song.
it made sense though cuz in one of yoochun’s thankyou mails he did mention watching fireworks yesterday. and screams were deafening once again and it sucked that those who had left missed out on something like this. it was kinda awkward cuz it wasn’t until maybe the last verse right before the final chorus, jyj actually had a part to sing each but the cheers for them for anything really amazing ♥ most of the time, they were either waving their arms in the air in sync with the song or moving from side to side XD and of course, cameraman was good to us fans cuz anytime they screened one member or all 3, we’d just scream in delight XD
and as expected the fireworks were beautiful and cameraman panned across the stage and we caught glimpses of the look of awe on every single one of their faces. it was so cute. it really did feel a new beginning for them as a trio. and that avex was their new home and driving force. i do have my hopes places in THSK but for now, it’s not possible so i support the two units separately while shit happens on the side.
anywho going to a-nation this year has inspired me so much to get more active when it comes to improving my japanese while i’m here working. that and i hope to be here longer so i can be around to see them since my main reason for being here was cuz of them. i hope that some of you could vicariously through my experience since this was my first time seeing them live and made my summer in japan worth it ♥
hope to see some of you there next year~
please credit accordingly.♥
Ps. “jyj were the last people to leave the stage after the a-nation theme and forgot how much i adored jaejoong cuz he had this look in his eyes just before leaving. i don’t know what it was cuz he just turned around and i felt sorry for him in a way. perhaps there was this sadness in his eyes.. but at the same time, his sentiments were of gratitude.”
credit: lveaddkt@LJ
shared by: sharingyoochun.net + DBSGuardians Angels
[VIDEO] 100830 A-nation’10 Meza News
credit: kokayz6
shared by: DBSGuardians Angels
[PHOTOS] JYJ a-nation’10 part 23
credit: yahoo+dak-chi
shared by: sharingyoochun.net + DBSGuardians Angels
[PHOTO] Yunho SMTown -backstage
[NEWS] 100830 3 TVXQ Members Group Comeback (3 Members OST Title: 찾았다 ‘Chajatta’ – Found)
The three members Micky Yoochun, Xiah Junsu, and Youngwoong Jaejoong (alphabetical order) will meet fans in 3 colors of song.
At the first broadcast today on August 30th, one insertion soundtrack of KBS 2TV mini series ‘SungKyunKwan Scandal’ entitled ‘Chajatta (Found)’ is agreed to release.
One official said, “Xiah Junsu and Hero Jaejoong already have their own solo. While the three members will have their first song together entitled ‘Chajatta (Found)’ that is going to be released as well. Participating in OST of drama where Micky Yoochun has his acting debut left this work to have even deeper meaning to them.”
Meanwhile sports hankooki reported that Xiah Junsu and Hero Jaejoong are each participating in one song. Yet about which song of the two people to be used as Micky Yoochun’s theme has not yet been decided.
Therefore seems that in ‘SungKyunKwan Scandal’ OST there will be 3 songs that are sung by 3 members of TVXQ.
Fans have given their attention particularly to the song where three members will sing together ‘Chajatta (Found)’. This three members’ soundtrack song is said to be a love song about finally found someone to love for a lifetime. A song with easy listening melody and beautiful harmonization at which the three members are known to be impressive at.
For their Korean fans who’ve been in thirst for their musical work after a long time, this would be a great gift to them.
credit: news hankooki
trans: sharingyoochun.net
shared by: DBSGuardians Angels
[TRANS+LYRICS] Why – U-Know Yunho’s Solo
credit: k032290
Why – U-Know Yunho
keep your head down U-know time
U know what time is it? This is U-know time !
keep your head down keep your head down
왜 날 그렇게 쉽게 떠났니
내가 쉬워보였던거니
내가슴은 찢어지잖아 오오
그렇게 너 사랑갖고 장난장난치지마라
내앞에선 요리조리 거짓말만 늘어놓고
두고봐도 지켜봐도 넌 좀 이기적이야
왜왜왜 너를 그렇게 감싸안았는가
keep your head down U-know time
U know what time it it? Thit it U-know time !
keep your head down keep your head down
wae nal geureohge swipge deonani
naega swiwoboyeo deongeoni
nae gaseumeun chijeojijanha
geureohge neo sarang gago jangnan jangnan chijimara
nae apeseon yorijori geojimalman neureonohgo
dugobwado jikyeobwado neon jom igi jeogiya
wae wae wae neoreul geureohge gamssa ananeunga
Keep your head down U-know time
U know what time is it? This is U-know time!
Keep your head down keep your head down
Why did you dissappear from me like that easily
Did you see me as an easy person
My heart is going to rip apart
Don’t play around with love like that
Infront of me all you did was lie about this and that
Anyone who sees you, even when I see you you’re so selfish greedy [as in, anyone can see/understand that she's selfish]
Why did I hold on to you like that
credit: DCinside
roman: sharingyoochun.net
trans: rieko@sharingyoochun
shared by: DBSGuardians Angels
[PHOTOS] JYJ a-nation’10 part 22
credit: princess-yuu0118+heyjj
shared by: sharingyoochun.net + DBSGuardians Angels