Sunday, June 13, 2010
[TRANS] '100608 Child collapses because of Jaejoong' - RE-TRANSLATED
During the performance of their new song 'Super Miracle', the three members stood suspended above us, cruising through the Dome, throwing the signed balls.
When Jaejoong finally returned to the stage, he only had a few balls left in his hands. On his way back, he passed us, and the girl next to me waved her Jaejoong towel in the air, screaming 'THROW IT HERE! THROW IT HERE!'
In the end, Jaejoong really did throw it in our direction.
Seeing such a gentle Jaejoong… For a moment I really lost control…
Eventually, a primary school student who was at the concert with her mother got the ball…
Despite this, I am content.
When Jaejoong cried, the girl next to me broke down completely…
His original intent was for her to catch the ball…
Either way, I took a photo and captured the moment. kekeke…
[TRANS] 100613 Kikuchi P Blog
I'm reeaally looking forward to it
Tokyo Dome
I'll be going there
Wait for it!
Until later...
Source: [Kikuchi P Blog + tvxqchamie]
Translation Credits:
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[INFO] Leave a message for JYJ
You can leave your message for them HERE.
By the way, if you plan to write to them in Japanese, it's better if you use hiragana and katakana characters...just to be safe. ;)
Thanks to BitterLemon @soompi forums for the tip! ;)
Credits: JUNSU JEJUNG YUCHUN Official Website
Shared by: DBSKnights
[TRANS] 100612 Posters of Jung Yunho’s Musical “Goong” Released; Musical To Start On September 8
According to Korean media reports on June 11, posters of the Korean musical “Goong” have been released. TVXQ member Yunho will be starring in the musical which performance will commence on 8 September.
Carrying the same name of the television drama in which Yoon Eun Hye starred in, the musical version of “Goong” is based on a popular manga, which illustrates the love story between a prince and an ordinary girl under the setting of the “constitutional monarchy in Korea”.
In the musical version of “Goong” other than Jung Yunho, Kim Dong Ho, Ron, Kwak Seon Young and other artistes, including SNSD member Sooyoung’s elder sister, will be in the musical as well.
The posters for the musical version are faithful to the original style of the manga; the image of the female lead and the “Goong” word, which is in the middle of the poster, are both from the original manga.
The original manga of “Goong” and its television drama were a great success, but whether or not the musical version of “Goong”, which starts on the 8th of September, will be able to achieve similar success has become the subject of attention.
Translation: tvxqhwaiting @
Special thanks: kimuchi3005 @
Credits: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!
[TRANS/FANSACCOUNT] 100613 JYJ Thanksgiving Live at Tokyo Dome Day 2
So I am back... Don't really know where should I start from.
Let's begin with the most heartbroken part... Weeping
At that time, I didn't cry, because I wanted to remember every single thing, watching all of it... Jotting them down, telling everyone.
During the MC part in the middle (of the performances), when speaking out his mind, Junsu looked like he was going to cry, but after saying 'first day we cried... then second day also... However, because it is today, because it is right here, therefore we are not going to cry. We wanted to spend our time together with everyone with our smile till the very end.'
At this moment, (we can see)Junsu in the big screen was trying hard to hold back his tears. Micky seems calm though. Jejung... hmm... still looking fine at this point, still smiling.
They didn't cry, that's what I was thinking. I can go back and tell everyone that tonight they didn't cry!
Yet... (They were) still crying in the end... at the very last moment... when they thanked everyone...
To raise up the hand for the final time, bowing to everyone... (He) cried... raised his head... covered his mouth with his hand, while saying sorry he ran to backstage.
That cry... was vigorously... because all of us can hear it clearly... it was loud... rushing to the backstage... the cameraman followed... thanks to the cameraman... (all of us)saw it... Junsu who was following at the back, was crying out loud too, but was not as intense as Jejung... Micky didn't cry. We saw it clearly, he was the last one who ran back to backstage.
Part 2:
Ok, let's start from the opening... Micky didn't cry till the end...
However at the opening... there was tears rolling down his cheeks, but he didn't cry... only tearing...
Performance had started, very... hmm... I couldn't recall how does the opening looks like right now, three of them, in white, singing the songs that I was not familiar with. I wasn't sure what's my feelings at that moment, able to meet them finally, that was great... so I smiled. But deep inside my heart, and I didn't know why... tears kept rolling down, unstoppable...
I am going to write down what I remembered first. The sequence... I really can't put them in line now.
Since there were sentimental songs at the beginning, my heart was aching.
At last when reaching Micky's turn to sing 'Love is so beautiful' everyone becomes energetic again.
Everyone was singing and jumping, whoa...
By the way, in this last performance, three of them had added a lot of new things...
However I... once again... saw the reflection of 4th Live Tour...
(T/N: Part 1 and Part 2 are from the same author.)
Credits: TVXQBaidu
Trans by: LoveInTheIce@DBSKnights
Shared by: DBSKnights
15! (YC my girlfriend)

5: 10pm
I’m kind of surprised, there doesnt seem to be any surprise projects for jj or the trio in general
4:55 pm
Omg i have the fattest smile on my face rn omg just. Thank god this the final dome.

SCREAMING SO F****** MUCH, OMFG SHAKING AT MY SEATS! Ok, i will no t promise any tweets tonight b/c of the proximity
there are a lot of people on the bridge looking for tickets :’(
oh, they’re rehearsing W ^^
JYJ rehearsals are going on rncredit: steph'stwitter
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[TRANS/FANACCOUNT] 100612 JYJ - Thanksgiving Live at Tokyo Dome Day 1 (PART 3)
[TRANS] 100612 Kyo Nobuo Blog Update: It’s a Great Evening!
Hey sorry for the late update.
Today I had seen Yuchun, Junsu, and Jejung live at Tokyo Dome.
Either it’s because I didn’t go to many live before or it’s because the crowd, I became very nervous (laughs)
It’s really crowded.
Why am I nervous?
Yeah. I actually do feel that.
There were numerous celebrities who also came as guests.
I feel like in different world.
The live was better than expected!
I listened to many songs and also watched a lot of dance.
Even when it ended, there were still so many celebrities stayed.
It’s so unfamiliar to me.
To meet them at work, it’s alright, but it’s different to meet them in private occasion.
But I’m okay if the person is friendly.
More important than that, I want to send applauses to the three people who had attracted so many audiences. Because of them, a lot of people can be taken to a wonderful world.
Also since I never play at Tokyo Dome. (laughs)
Now I knew the real pleasure of live, and reconfirmed myself who was not able to have consciousness as celebrity yet.
I will sleep early today.
Good night.
source: Kyo Nobuo official blog
shared by: DBSKnights
[INFO] 100613 Eriko Kitagawa Blog Update
[TRANS] 100613 DJ Makai Blog Update: JYJ Live
I went to.
First day of Tokyo Dome.
In fact, this is my first time went to Tokyo Dome.
Yuchun, Jejung, Junsu. The fan service was so nice. and it’s cute too.
But Jejung handsomeness was passing over all men handsomeness.
The most important part, TOKYO LOVELIGHT.
It was great. They had sung the song in front of 50,000 audiences it’s really amazing.
The audiences were hype as well, I was really happy.
Nearly I cried. Truly thank you. I felt that they’re loving it (this song) because they pulled it on stage very well.
It was a really great live, I was surprised they did good elaborate even to the songs which I knew well.
Damn good singing.
I could catch a glimpse effort of them to be top artists.
Jejung said something towards the end.
In my opinion, he is a person with such strong sense of responsibility. He really thinks about his fans.
I think I’m gonna continue supporting them in the future.
Thank you!
source: DJ Makai blog update
shared by: DBSKnights
DJ Makai worked with Yoochun in Tokyo Lovelight song
[TRANS/FANACCOUNT] 100612 JYJ - Thanksgiving Live at Tokyo Dome Day 1 (PART 2)
My heart is still thumping restlessly… What should I write? Ahh Yoochun ah... I love you
Basically, I couldn’t stop screaming ‘Yoochun’
There was a lot of musical equipment blocking my line of vision, so I missed out on some parts of the performance.
But it was a magical seat~~ I was directly in front of one of the stages, 3 lines back~
It wasn’t very close! Lol
When the live show started, Junsu appeared right before my eyes!! Kyaaaaa~~~~~
All three of them were teary eyed from the beginning…
Throughout the concert, each of the 3 members sang in front of me periodically
Listening to their voices so closely, I felt like they were singing for me alone
Yoochun was very shy, so he didn’t look this way very often… But after 2 times, I finally caught his eye~~
Junsu ah~~~ His voice was amazing! It’s no wonder they call him Asia's top singer!
The high school student next to me was a Jaejoong fan, and everytime he came close to us, she’d start screaming. Hahaha
I felt like I was living a dream when Yoochun crossed the top of my head on his ladder… I was only 4-5 metres away from them!!!
Yoochun… his butt is really small..kekeke..
Jaejoong… his skin is so pale…
They continued to squabble and fight even after one of the fans successfully took it… In the end, they had to call the security guards over to settle everything… Seeing such a terrifying side of these women… kekeke…
When Yoochun started ‘My Girlfriend’, I thought to myself that maybe he’d pick me!
Eventually, even though he looked in my direction, he picked a 16 year old student who sat closer to the front… She was so cute!
During ‘Colors’, Jaejoong came on stage right before my eyes yet again!
Oh god! Jaejoong ah! The child next to me was so touched, she started crying… kekeke…
But it was truly amazing…
I’d really like to go through the tracklist…
In the end, all three of them came over to greet us… Yoochun was crying… I kept watching him, the cute, yet shy Yoochun
Thank you. The things you're feeling deep down, we understand, we can feel it...
When they’re looking in this direction… it really is different to watch their performances live. They put their heart and soul into each of their songs, and this will no doubt leave a mark in everybody’s hearts.
The three of them must be suffering immensely deep down… Even though HoMin couldn’t be there, I’m sure they will receive their sentiments!
Trans by: dorfehh@DBSKnights
Shared by: DBSKnights
[TRANS] TV Life: JJ Fortune This Year

Jejung is the type that has ability to combine planning and action altogether, he doesn’t like individual personality and tends to work together with people.
He’s loved by his friends because he’s an outgoing person and a big-brother type. Because he always works hard to achieve great success and most likely strives to match his expectation, when at time he found out the gap between the ideal level and the reality that actually happened, the stress on him would be piled up. Hereafter, it seems that he would continue gaining attention through movie and drama.
In addition, he’s a type of guy that becomes passionate when it comes to love. However, because he is going to be so popular this year, it seems to be difficult to focus on getting one.
【Memo】’Sunao ni narenakute’ (Fuji Television Network) is his serial drama debut.
source: TV Life + tvxq-minyon
shared by: DBSKnights
[INFO] 100613 JYJ - Thanksgiving Live at Tokyo Dome Update Part 2
5: 10pm
I’m kind of surprised, there doesnt seem to be any surprise projects for jj or the trio in general
4:55 pm
Omg i have the fattest smile on my face rn omg just. Thank god this the final dome.
SCREAMING SO F****** MUCH, OMFG SHAKING AT MY SEATS! Ok, i will no t promise any tweets tonight b/c of the proximi
there are a lot of people on the bridge looking for tickets :’(
oh, they’re rehearsing W ^^
JYJ rehearsals are going on rn :)
credit: steph’s twitter
shared by: + DBSKnights
[VIDEO] Sunao Ni Narenakute Ep 10 Preview
It saddens me to see Dr. crying. :{ But I just can't wait to see how this drama will unfold. Jaejoong, fighting!
Credits: TheJJHero3
Shared by: DBSKnights