Hi, It's me Jejungi been a while haven't posted anything ^^
But today I have something juicy to post ^^ my friend gave me permission to translate her fanaccount and post it on internet ^^
I'm just soo dammnn jealous! burnig with envy! been super busy with work and all so haven't had time to translate it and post it, she saw Jae July 10th, wrote the fanaccount for me July 11th and i post it 10 days late!?! I sure am a mix of a tortoise and slug for being so slow! So here it is ^^
My friend was on vacation in LA in Beverly Hill’s Sofitel Hotel and quess who she sees from her trip back to the hotel? It’s Jaejoong! I got her to write a fanaccount about her meeting with Jae and now that she wrote it I’m going to translate it and post it, of course with her permission ^^
Date July 10th 2010

Now about Jaejoong, I mean more about him now that i have almost calmed down.
So i stayed at Sofitel Hotel in Beverly Hills and there was one nice evening when i was innocently shopping in the mall opposite the hotel. When i came back to the hotel i saw that there was a photoshoot going again. I walked past near there was two older korean guys and one effin’ stylist young man. I just walked past the young man like “uh okay” until i realized that “Ops Jaejoong!!” :——-DDD
At that moment when i realised that it was him i started to hyperventilate, i didn’t know should i start crying or laughing and i was a major fangirl GLAD HE DIDN’T SEE THAT MOMENT!
Then i went back was like “Are you really Jaejoong…..”
and then his translator was really happy and sai “Yes, do you known him?” Poor Jae was totally stiff/frozen, he was like a lost little boy:D <3 and i answered something along like]“Omg, seriously of course i know him” and then i explained that DBSK is cool and “How’s Junsu” and got something said in Korean too.
And it was a topic of wonder that i’m from Finland, the translator guy said that “I think Jaejoong is actually more shocked by the fact that he’s got a fan from Finland than you’re by him right now” … :D
Then i asked is it possible to take a picture with Jae, the old translator guy was like “YESYESYES!” then he took the picture by my camera. I got to stay in Jaejoong’s arms a little longer because the translator was failing with the camera and Jaejoong was giggling cutely at him. :”)
So there was the story, he said that Junsu was fine at that moment and that Jaejoong just talked to him (Junsu) by phone. Jaejoong himself was fairly depressed which is understandable, but he wasn’t arrogant or anything. So dammn cute and genuinely puzzled about the situation :D and actually he was shorter than i imagined, 180cm is not as much as i though. He had effin’ stylist clothes and big head and eyes far from each other and contact lenses :——–)
so observations like this. And of course the muscles
yeah right and a packet of cigarettes :—————D♥ I busted you Jaejoong
Source: LALIS @ Irc-Galleria.net
Translated by: Jejungi @ Twitter (& I’m known from various other places too ^^)
Credit: Jejungi @ Livejournal
Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!
But today I have something juicy to post ^^ my friend gave me permission to translate her fanaccount and post it on internet ^^
I'm just soo dammnn jealous! burnig with envy! been super busy with work and all so haven't had time to translate it and post it, she saw Jae July 10th, wrote the fanaccount for me July 11th and i post it 10 days late!?! I sure am a mix of a tortoise and slug for being so slow! So here it is ^^
My friend was on vacation in LA in Beverly Hill’s Sofitel Hotel and quess who she sees from her trip back to the hotel? It’s Jaejoong! I got her to write a fanaccount about her meeting with Jae and now that she wrote it I’m going to translate it and post it, of course with her permission ^^
Date July 10th 2010

Now about Jaejoong, I mean more about him now that i have almost calmed down.
So i stayed at Sofitel Hotel in Beverly Hills and there was one nice evening when i was innocently shopping in the mall opposite the hotel. When i came back to the hotel i saw that there was a photoshoot going again. I walked past near there was two older korean guys and one effin’ stylist young man. I just walked past the young man like “uh okay” until i realized that “Ops Jaejoong!!” :——-DDD
At that moment when i realised that it was him i started to hyperventilate, i didn’t know should i start crying or laughing and i was a major fangirl GLAD HE DIDN’T SEE THAT MOMENT!
Then i went back was like “Are you really Jaejoong…..”
and then his translator was really happy and sai “Yes, do you known him?” Poor Jae was totally stiff/frozen, he was like a lost little boy:D <3 and i answered something along like]“Omg, seriously of course i know him” and then i explained that DBSK is cool and “How’s Junsu” and got something said in Korean too.
And it was a topic of wonder that i’m from Finland, the translator guy said that “I think Jaejoong is actually more shocked by the fact that he’s got a fan from Finland than you’re by him right now” … :D
Then i asked is it possible to take a picture with Jae, the old translator guy was like “YESYESYES!” then he took the picture by my camera. I got to stay in Jaejoong’s arms a little longer because the translator was failing with the camera and Jaejoong was giggling cutely at him. :”)
So there was the story, he said that Junsu was fine at that moment and that Jaejoong just talked to him (Junsu) by phone. Jaejoong himself was fairly depressed which is understandable, but he wasn’t arrogant or anything. So dammn cute and genuinely puzzled about the situation :D and actually he was shorter than i imagined, 180cm is not as much as i though. He had effin’ stylist clothes and big head and eyes far from each other and contact lenses :——–)
so observations like this. And of course the muscles
yeah right and a packet of cigarettes :—————D♥ I busted you Jaejoong
Source: LALIS @ Irc-Galleria.net
Translated by: Jejungi @ Twitter (& I’m known from various other places too ^^)
Credit: Jejungi @ Livejournal
Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!