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Saturday, September 18, 2010
[TRANS] Daily Sports Chart About JYJ’s Label Controversy
[TRANS] 100918 Tohoshinki “Halting Activities in Japan” – Sparked by Kwong Sang Woo Incident

“JJY halts activities..Tohoshinki cannot sing in Japan.” Tohoshinki, the group that, due to the management company SM Entertainment and exclusive contract issue, has halted all domestic and foreign activities. Members Junsu (Xiah), Jejung (Hero) and Yuchun (Micky), due to alleged relations with organized crime groups, were withdrawn from their Japanese management company Avex Entertainment. The local Sports Nippon news reported the incident with the above title on 17 September. JJY is derived from the initials of Junsu, Jejung and Yuchun. Sports Nippon said, “It will be impossible for the 3 to appear in the Year end Kouhaku Utagassen” although “Presently, Tohoshinki members’ songs are widely heard in Japan.” Also, “Avex had gone through Korea’s C-JeS to sign a contract with the 3. However, this company’s representative has a history with violent gangs, and using his father’s background, forced actor Kwong Sang Woo into an exclusive contract, was found guilty and got sent to prison. Avex, with their business ethics in mind, decided to cut the trio’s management off.“ they reported.
Also, “Their current decision will also help to improve their chances of reconciling with SM, who has had a poor relationship with them since the lawsuit began.” Without the support of Avex, the three’s chances of being isolated is very high” they analyzed. “Furthermore, if Tohoshinki restarts their activities, the three would definitely have to reconcile with SM. Avex revealed that “the 5-member Tohoshinki’s exclusive contract is unchanged. They will be working hard so that they can re-start their activities as 5,” but with the ruling of the lawsuit, which seems like it will happen this year, and if the three loses, a lengthy appeal period will be inevitable, and even with a ruling passed locally, an amicable end still seems difficult” Sports Nippon predicted.
On 17 September, Chunichi Sports News also reported with the headline “Tohoshinki Trio Halts Activities In Japan, Korean Management Company Representative Convicted.” saying “For 2 years starting May 2003, the C-JeS representative managed popular Korean actor Kwong Sang Woo, but in 2006, Kwong Sang Woo revealed that “I was forced to sign the exclusive contract,” giving them much negative press. The representative was found guilty of coercion, and he served time in August that year,” they pointed out. On the other hand, “Within a day, Avex has received over 200 enquiries about this news from Tohoshinki fans. It is also a fact that in July this year, Yuchun’s (Micky) manager was charged without detention for physical violence.” Also, “A decision on the lawsuit between the trio and SM, is expected to be revealed by this year. (With regards to the current matter), it is highly likely that important claims on the SM side will remain unchanged,” they predicted.
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T/N: Please note that these are speculations from the Japanese press. Please read it with a pinch of salt.
[TRANS] 100918 Inoue Kozo’s Twitter Update
T/N: Inoue Kozo is a Japanese reporter who specializes in Japanese entertainment news.
@(fan) I fully understand what you want to say. But I am confident that those comments were not made by the 3 members themselves. Please understand why I cannot unveil the reason here.
Approx 22 hours agoWhat I want to say is that please do not be swayed by the comments which we do not know whether the members really said or not. The most troubled with the current situation should be the 3 members’ Korean management company. If this company exists, it is impossible for the 5 members to resume their activities. Let’s stop the sterile discussions
Approx 24 hours agoI am not trying to gain the fans’ favors. I am just twitting my feelings and the results of my researches. I do not need to gain favors in the first place. @(fan) please do not try to gain the fans’ favors. Do you hold any special feelings to Tohoshinki? RT @inouekozodesu ..
September 17th 9:21pmThe Korean management company for the 3 members of Tohoshinki announced unbelievable comments. I believe they are even faking the members’ comments. They are just inflaming the Japanese fans. Please do not play around with the members anymore!
September 17th 8:22pm
Please read from bottom to top
source: inouekozodesu
translation: smiley @
credits: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
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[INFO] Revised Schedule of Heaven’s Postman Broadcast on SBS
Before we informed you that Heaven’s Postman is going to broadcast on SBS on September 24th.
It seems there’s a change in the schedule, also to the broadcast areas that were already announced.
Previously Heaven’s Postman is planned to broadcast in 11 areas, namely: Seoul, Jeju, Gangwon, Gwangju, Daegu, Daejeon, Daegu, Busan, Ulsan, Jeonju, Cheongju.
And now here’s the revised schedule:
Broadcaster: SBS
Schedule: September 25th, 2010 / 12:40 a.m
Broadcast area: Seoul and Jeju (only)
credit: SBS + dnbn
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[INFO] 100918 JYJ Fanmeets Tour in Bangkok Sale Date
T/N Reply letter from KOMY ASIA Co., Ltd.
Thank you so much for your attention
Reservation and official sale information will be announced within this Monday 20th September
Please look forward to more details at
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[PHOTOS] SungKyunKwan Scandal OST Album
[NEWS] Dong Bang Shin Ki’s temporal Japanese promotion suspension a worry for the ‘new Kpop hallyu’ in Japan
There has been great concern in Korea after news went out that Dong Bang Shin Ki trio Micky YooChun, Hero JaeJoong and Xiah JunSu had left their Japanese agency.
The news came directly from the trio’s Japanese agency AVEX Trax on 16th September, announcing the temporal suspension of the trio’s Japanese activities. With that on 17th September, the trio’s representative responded on 17th September that the report is an one-sided report from AVEX Trax and have posed the trio with adverse conditions.
Even though this is for the trio’s Japanese activities, there has been great interests coming from Korea’s side as well. This is because currently, we are looking at the ‘new hallyu’ by singers who are promoting in Japanese currently like Big Bang, Supernova, KARA, So Nyeo Shi Dae etc.
In fact, the chance success to be achieved by the girlgroups in the Japanese music scene is said to be high. At the same time, many of these singers’ local agencies are contacting Japanese agencies to work together for these group’s Japanese promotions. And with this news, there have been many eyebrows raised from officials in the Korean music industry.
This comes as somewhat a cold air amidst the Kpop fever going on in the Japanese music scene. Dong Bang Shin Ki has been acknowledged as the representative Korean singer in the Japanese music scene. And many of the Japanese fans of KARA and So Nyeo Shi Dae are also fans of Dong Bang Shin Ki. This would have some impact on the Korean management companies to work with more caution with their groups promoting in Japan.
An official from the music scene commented, “Dong Bang Shin Ki is the pillar and the co-existence to Kpop in Japan. Even though they have not been very active since last year, we cannot underestimate the power that comes with the name in Japan. It is not exaggerating to say that the Kpop ‘new hallyu’ are made by Dong Bang Shin Ki. There are worries that with the 3 leaving the Japanese music scene, it will be like cold wind amidst the hot fever of Kpop in Japan.”
source: newsen
credit: sookyeong
[TRANS] 100917 Max Matsuura’s Twitter Update
If we were such a bad company, then all the artists in avex would have said that they wanted to leave. All I can say is….we’re just a good company. A company that doesn’t talk well I guess. The matter this time too, honestly we were the ones who suffered the most damages.
Everything we could do, we did. But, I don’t know why they still chose that person. And this was the result! It probably couldn’t be helped. If Baek has anti-social powers, we can only do this. For us, even until the end, we were asking them to choose avex. But, I don’t even know why I was rejected, I still love these 3 people.
Like it spilled out from the inside, these are not lies…. The above.
Source: [Max Matsuura’s Twitter]
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[INFO] 100917 JUNSU/JEJUNG/YUCHUN Fanmeeting in Bangkok
Information about Komy Asia from their official website:
We have experiences organizing lots of press conferences, media interview, showcase, entertainment event and etc. We provide the whole process of entertainment management services. We are ready to serve you in entertainment business to reach your supreme goal as per requirement.
Please stay tuned for updates.
Source: Komy Asia Co., Ltd.
Special thanks: THEPEPX @ Twitter
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