Wednesday, August 18, 2010

[TRANS] 100817 Yoochun – “Acting Made Me Feel Better Inside”

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Embroiled in a continued lawsuit with SM Entertainment, TVXQ’s Yoochun said that starting on his acting activities helped him to gain strength.

On 17 August, at the Sheraton Grand Walker Building’s (In Seoul’s Gwangjang-dong) Vista Hall, attending the new Monday-Tuesday drama “SungKyunKwan Scandal” (KBS2)’s production conference, Yoochun said “Because it’s been about a year since I’ve done activities within Korea, there is a lot of pressure. I did not have the mood to start working again, with a heart that has yet to be healed.” However, “After going for acting lessons, I started to feel better inside,” he commented.

He also said, “I started on the actual shoot, and it’s quite different from when I was practicing. But because the other actors have been praising my acting skills, I gained strength from that.”

But “With regards to acting skills, I was really troubled. I think it was a process of changing into a new me. However, as “SungKyunKwan Scandal” is the start of my acting life, I think that this is a very meaningful project for me. More so than me picking this project, I’m thankful for the many generous staff that helped me,” he said.

Directing the production of this drama, Kim Won Seok PD said “Yoochun has a 3rd Rank in Taekwondo, so most of the action scenes did not require any substitutes. He’s good at slapstick comedy too. Please look forward to Yoochun’s action scenes.” He said.


Recalling the painful times that the trio had endured during the lawsuit against SM Entertainment, he said, “There was a period of time where I totally isolated myself. Everyone around me was worried. I was always locking myself at home, up to a point where my mom would be shocked if I went out.”

He said, “This project changed me. Since I started on it, I will want to do it well. Especially since all the actors in the drama are treating me really well, and I am thankful, so this makes me work even harder.”

Source : [Chosun Online] + [Baidu TVXQ] + [DNBN]
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