Sunday, August 8, 2010

[TRANS] 100806 Fujimoto shigeo's Twitter Update

Shigeo: Feeling the urge to drink... I had met with Changmin who previously promised to meet with me again! He was in high spirits! and welcomed me with smiles on his face! Max Changmin was still healthy and fit!
(fans)kanablsmax: I am really happy to hear this~ I want to see Changmin I miss Changmin, I miss him very much (;_;) I hope I can hear that beautiful vocal!!! Thanks Twitter~~

Shigeo: I heard Changmin's high notes too!
(fans)ml3333sa: Changmin's high notes can trigger my lacrimal gland more than anything else (;_;)
Shigeo: That's right (^.^)

Shigeo: A Changmin who reunderstood himself!
(fans)y_kumitan: Huh?? Changmin who reunderstood himself!? Shigeo-san, you are really drunk right? and I have nothing to reunderstand myself either!! Shigeo-san also thinks like that right!? *laughs*
Shigeo: No Comment!

(fans)chaminton2718: Good evening! I am drinking, is superdry. Changmin went back to Korea, I feel so lonely...
Shigeo: Yes, Changmin went back to Korea, so lonely
(fans)chaminton2718: Haha... Let's count the numbers to sleep. Err... one Changmin's chest, two Changmin's chests, three Changmin's chests... I like Changmin very much! Haha... I can't sleep.
Shigeo: That's too strainful(T-T)

(fans)chaminton2718: Taking advantage of the alchohol!!! w w Is Changmin enthusiastic in front of Shigeo-san? Or is he a calm and steady type of person? I miss the black and pink changmin very much. His singing too! His dancing as well!

Shigeo: a mama's boy...
(fans)i_am_ayu: Specifically please?????!
Shigeo: This, I can't say it for the sake of Changmin's reputation...
(fans)sakkuri45: I really really want to know... I know I can't sleep if I knew it, but I still wanna know.....
Shigeo: ah... There's nothing I can do X X X
(fans)chaminton2718: Changmin who acts like a mama's kid, will not make us unhappy, haha... At this moment, just give us a bit of example, please~~~!
Shigeo: Then, please don't be angry. If I stretched out my hand when changing the clothes, (Changmin) will pull his hand over to take my hand. It doesn't matter right?
(fans)chaminton2718: (^^) Ah~~~~~! Hand... You guys were in hands when changing clothes! (^O^)That's so adorable! Can I slip inside too? w That chest... I would also like to... w w
Shigeo: Ah... unhappy as expected. Everyone, I'm sorry for that(T-T)

(fans)sakkuri45: Shigeo-san, I definitely will see Changmin right?
Shigeo: Yes!

Credits: TVXQBaidu + 百度MAX昌珉吧食物组
Trans by: LoveInTheIce@DBSKnights
Shared by: DBSKnights + DBSGuardians Angels

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