Sunday, August 8, 2010

[SPAZZ] Location of Yoochun Filming in 3HREE VOICES

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One of the spot Yoochun walked through during his ‘trip’ in Seoul for 3HREE VOICES was Bukchondong traditional village.

See the neighborhood clearly, if you’re quite update to other recent South Korean dramas, don’t you remember this area is also featured as a main scene location in one TV drama lately?

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It’s the place at where the famous Sanggojae (name of traditional Korean house Gae In–the heroine–stays in) from Personal Taste drama located! ;)

Oh, and for you who haven’t watched it, Personal Taste is starring the very handsome Lee Minho (as Jeon Ji Ho) and heroine role is played by Son Ye Jin (as Park Gae In). The drama, in my opinion, has a potential to be a very funny one, but I think they exaggerated Gae In dumbness too much to the point that instead of funny, it’s just getting (SUPER) annoying–she got better after some episodes, though–but I already hate her role. Just my opinion XD

Anyway, what a lucky neighbors….. I never see someone even just close to this guy


this (BABY) guy

……….. in term of handsomeness walking around in my neighborhood, filming movie or whatever :(

source: cafedeyuchun

shared by: + DBSGuardians Angels

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