Saturday, July 3, 2010

[FANACCOUNT] 100626 - JYJ at LAX airport


I wasn't going to write a fan account but I feel I owe it to all the fan accounts that I have read.

I've been a fan of TVXQ for some years now. Not being Korean or Japanese, I found myself to be quite surprised to have fallen in love with 5 boys that I do not even understand. Accepting my infatuation, I dropped American music almost completely, and accepting my situation, I knew it would be a very rare chance for me to be able to see them in person. Ever.

...until the day I saw JYJ leaving Incheon, Korea for LAX, USA.

It was close to 2:00 am. I have been behind my updates on TVXQ, deciding I needed a slight break after the constant updates online after the JYJ Thanksgiving concert. I was close to going to bed, but something made me check one TVXQ site I faithfully follow. And there it was, JYJ leaving for America. I spent the next hour or so checking anything I could find to pinpoint their arrival.

Their plane landed at 11:30 as many fans have already reported. During the wait, I kept trying to spot fans or even a driver for them or any security. I did spot fans but was always wrong when trying to guess the driver, they were always picking someone else! JYJ were out an hour later, with JJ and JS out first with masks on. Honestly, I recognized JJ right away and didn't recognize JS at all. I wasn't standing near the exact arrival entrance but knew the instant they arrived because a swarm of girls started running. JJ and JS didn't exactly leave the airport right away. They just stood there, as if lost as to where to go or what to do. I, being an absolute YC fan, waited for YC. Then he comes strolling out last, pausing in the middle of the airport a bit, like he didn't want to move towards JJ, JS, and the fans. YC looked really skinny and much smaller in person. JJ was a very healthy build as well as JS. Eventually they all made it out, slowly. I'm sure most of us fans were expecting them to be picked up by a car and so were greatly surprised to see them proceed towards the crosswalk and parking structure. I got myself one great photo of YC and was done but decided to follow the pack as well. JYJ were quiet as they walked. I'm sure they were tired, but they never showed any annoyance or anger at the fans. I have to admit, we were quite close. Right next to them. And even though it seems very frantic and crazy on all the fancams, it was a very peaceful walk.

..and I may never see them again. But I was happy.

If I may also speak on behalf of some, if not all, international fans. We do not get the opportunity to ever see TVXQ live in concert or visit their sets when they're filming. We do not get to see them bowling or drinking at a bar. All information we have access to are posted online from fan accounts and videos, which we depend on and are forever grateful. Considering TVXQ does not visit America often, we are not professional stalkers. Saying this, it upsets me that in trying to return the favor to fans around the world by providing you with our material, we are getting backlashed and in turn, feeling the need to take down some of our videos. Most of us here in America never thought the day would come where we would meet TVXQ. When watching the LAX videos, please see our love and excitement for them. What most fans feel at their concerts over the past few years, all 20 of us at LAX that day felt in just 4 minutes.

A/N:Thank you for the email and we really are sorry for posting this late. I credited you as anonymous as you said in your mail. Thank you so much!

Shared by: DBSKnights

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